Monday, July 27, 2009


In the history of the High Tech Computer Corporation (HTC), there is a woman. Her name is Cher Mi Wang and is the daughter of one of the richest people in Taiwan. In 1997, in collaboration with HT Cho and Peter Chou to establish HTC. Its main mission was to market a combination of a mobile phone and PDA. However, the project is not successful, it consumes a large amount of capital, and it seemed that disaster is inevitable. Then, the wealth of the family of Mrs. Wang were used for the day. It invests in companies and again through improved engineering and design sections. In addition, a new course has been agreed and HTC to design products for other brands. The first success in front of a laptop (in 2000) HP Compaq, and later (after the merger of two giants). HTC is the great success in 2002 when the first Pocket PC-based operating system from Microsoft. This attracts the attention of some major players like AT & T Wireless, T-Mobile, Verizon Wireless, Vodafone and etc.

The main components, the HTC brings to the table innovative ideas. Touch, the famous series of public opinion and convince consumers that Windows Mobile devices are not only "grave stone" for the job only. The models are attractive and easy to use interface TouchFLO hand. In addition, HTC is the creator of the first Android OS phone, the HTC Dream (G1).

HTC is one of the fastest growing in market, the certification, the third place, which by Business Week in the world chart of the best technology companies in 2006. The following year,for greater attention and rumors in Asia that soon, HTC is one of the Five Top producer of mobile phones. The first step to success has always been the leader in the production of increasingly popular Windows Mobile Smartphone.


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