Monday, July 27, 2009

HTC Touch HD review

I have the HTC Touch for 3 weeks at a time when I write these lines. By way of background, I had to replace me despite my HTC TyTN II. Moreover, I am another user of the phone for reasons of international travel and the other device is an iPhone. It seems that the Touch HD is the direct competitor to iPhone. We shall see! This review does not claim to examine all aspects of the device (there are many in the network), but to be very specific to the life of users. This phone was bought on Amazon, without restriction of any kind and use pro. First, the first impression when you take the main HD is its lightness. This is clearly plastic in terms of weight compared to my old TyTN II has made a difference. However, keep a sense of quality and its plastic is not a handicap. It 'a nice car.

The second relates to the printing screen. This phone is a big screen and that's it. For a size comparable to the iPhone screen is much bigger. Once turned on, it immediately test this feature for the iPhone Touch. Moving the finger on the screen ... but nothing happens! In fact, the enormous difference between the two devices: the iPhone works with the touch and the temperature of the finger, while the Touch HD runs on finger pressure, and not a little 'pressure, if you like. For this reason, I do not recommend this for ages as I Touch HD and iPhone. It 'annoying to switch between them.
In terms of image quality, the Touch HD is excellent. It is an automatic system to adjust the intensity of the light and I have never had to disengage.

Former owner of the TyTN II, I was eager to try the keyboard on the screen. In fact, I have reluctantly decided to spend the HTC keyboard. The keyboard was so good that I can much faster than Windows was unable to endure and at the end was a little 'annoying. The Touch HD, I am not impressed by the digital keyboard. There are several keyboards are all possible but difficult to manage because you have to press the buttons without force many comments. However, HTC has improved the system for automatic completion of words. This time is really useful and practical when it was heartbreaking the TyTN II. It compensates well the first incident and I can type fairly quickly along my SMS or e-mail.

The graphical interface is a bit 'of confusion. I am still not convinced of the practicality of handling dragging a finger a day. I often pull the stylus which is to be magnetized, which is at hand. I think HTC has tried to do too much and I want to disconnect (can you?) Functions as unnecessary to see a piece of your mail in an envelope in my perspective or through the photos. In other points, HTC, Apple has done a better job, such as SMS. You can see the dialogue with another person, but you can also delete a single SMS and not a dialogue or something like the iPhone. Zoom on the picture with a finger is also a good idea. Like the iPhone, there is a capture to automatically detect the change in landscape mode. Unfortunately, some of the images and viewing movies or Opera, applications do not use it. Therefore it is not a great digital using the keyboard or display your calendar in 16 / 9. It 'very frustrating!

The buttons on this unit to follow a philosophy opposite TyTN II: the least! The 4 digital buttons and return of a force feedback in the form of micro-vibration (not bad), but are not illuminated (zero points). The power button is very difficult to manage because they practically overflow (beautiful but not practical), but it runs on how to remove the stylus (seen). The volume knob is also very difficult to manage for the same reason. Aesthetic considerations are at odds with the practice! Damage!

Photo: I have not tested this feature and I must say that I do not care. I use a digital SLR for my photos. It seems incongruous to do with a mobile phone.

Music: I have not been able to synchronize my iTunes library and I was expecting. Therefore not tested. But there is a standard jack for headphones.

GPS: No problem, but not delivered with TomTom, as the TyTN II. Google Map ago but is not as good to my taste for driving. Expect the demand for the supplement.

WiFi: No problem!

Radio: Do not be tested.

This device has an excellent screen protector, a pocket of protection really basic chargers, cables, headphones and a memory card 8GO. The manual in PDF is 300 pages!

Compared to the iPhone, there is no doubt that you use the phone iPhone Pro is completely capable of performing. I do not regret my purchase? No, there are improvements. If in a hurry? Not really, if it is to work, maybe even watching pictures and movies, but it remains a slow processor and hard to provide the necessary power. The battery seems to hold the road.

Not a bad purchase, but may simply be below expectations.


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